Returning Home Farm

Returning Home Farm is an extension of Penn Forest Natural Burial Park that provides model projects in sustainability. Penn Forest owns 35 acres of land in the Penn Hills/Verona area, but only about two acres are currently used for green burials. Another ten acres are set aside as a wildlife refuge area. That leaves about 23 acres that can be used for other sustainability projects that benefit the community.

Ongoing projects include:

  • Raising goats for clearing brush in burial areas
  • Raising chickens and ducks for eggs (we share extras with visitors)
  • Beehives
  • Hiking trails
  • Tree/shrub planting for forest restoration
  • A quarter acre native PA meadow restoration project
  • A Hügelkultur garden
  • A sally garden to grow willow for baskets (and maybe coffins)

Planned & hopeful future projects include:

  • Expanded wellness classes and activities for every body
  • A hoop greenhouse for raising tea
  • A berry garden
  • A mushroom walk trail
  • An artist residency
  • A center for events, classes and trainings central to life and death

We are always open to additional sustainability projects. If you’d like to bring your project to RHF, please tell us about your idea.