
Need to know

Sign up: Everyone must register in advance for each class, and sign a release form once per calendar year.  

Cost: All classes are $20, or $15 for plot owners at Penn Forest Natural Burial Park,  $10 for children 14 and under.  Pay on arrival. Cash only, please. Correct change if possible.        Private group pricing available on request, deposit required, discounts available.

Schedule: Classes are on Saturdays, but not every week – please read the schedule page carefully! All classes are one hour with a half-hour afterward to mingle with the animals or for a tour of Penn Forest Natural Burial Park.

What to bring: Bring a mat along. We practice outside in the barnyard and there is very little shade. Wear sunscreen and a hat, and bring plenty of water!

What to wear: Dress in loose or stretchy clothing that you don’t mind getting hay all over (also, the goats aren’t house trained)

Where it’s at: For GPS, use 266 Kansas Street, Verona PA 15147. Enter at the wide gate on Return Road opposite the big wooden farm sign. Please park in the Penn Forest Burial Ground parking lot – not by the neighbors’ homes! Check this page for a map.

Cancellation: Classes will be cancelled if it’s raining. We will notify you at the email you register with of any cancellation due to weather by 8 a.m. that day.

Social distancing: Mats must be set up at least six feet apart. We strongly recommend bringing your own mat, although we do have a few loaner mats available. We also have disinfectant wipes

Screening: Do not come to the farm if you have a fever, new onset of unexplained cough,  shortness of breath, or lack of smell/taste; or if you are at high risk of complications from covid-19 or live with someone who is.

Class descriptions

Kundalini: Kundalini yoga incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, and the chanting of mantras, such as Sat Nam, meaning “truth is my identity.” The goal is to build physical vitality and increase consciousness.

Yin Yoga: A low, slow, passive style, Yin Yoga lengthens and strengthens the connective tissues of the body – the tendons, fascia and ligaments – while allowing the mind and breath to practice relaxed presence and awareness even in times of stress and discomfort.

Yoga For All: Yoga For All is based in the Ashtanga tradition and provides multiple options for poses to make them accessible to everyone regardless of previous yoga experience or physical ability. The options offered for poses allow the person to make the best choice for him/herself in that moment.

YogaNuvo Flow: This Vinyasa style makes pose options available to people of varied physical abilities. Even if you never exercised before, or have limited flexibility, this training is for you. Experience the well-documented benefits of yoga, including strength, balance, bone density, flexibility, improved posture and circulation. This flow is based in Hatha yoga, but includes movements inspired by Pilates, belly dancing and tai chi.

Yoga In Nature: Outdoor classes in an idyllic nature setting, at the edge of the forest but without the goats. All four of our yoga styles available.

Chair Yoga in the Meditation Hut: Our covered Meditation Hut is nestled in a grove of trees, a 3-minute walk on grassy ground from the parking lot of Penn Forest. A smaller, more intimate class without the goats but with a beautiful view of the forest. Seated yoga with standing poses optional, but no going down to the floor.