Yoga with Goats & Yoga In Nature

If you enjoy exercise or yoga practice in a playful and meaningful way, then Yoga with Goats classes and Yoga In Nature classes at Returning Home Farm in Verona, PA are for you! And for everyone else – all ages, all bodies, all skill levels (including no skill).

If you’ve ever said “I’m not flexible enough to practice yoga,” or “I’m way too laid back for yoga,” or “I am not laid back enough for yoga,” those are three great reasons for practicing yoga with goats or yoga in nature (labeled as “no goats”).

Visit our classes page for essential information about classes and covid-19 precautions.


Yoga with Goats 2024 season

All students must sign up in advance to attend Yoga With Goats classes at Returning Home Farm.

Check this page for questions about what to expect, what to bring, and our covid-19 precautions.

Subscribe to our email list for news and schedule updates. 

And check out our Facebook page:     “Yoga With Goats”

All classes are about one hour, but not always at the same time, and not every week. Please read this schedule carefully!  Classes will be added to this schedule through October 2024, so check back often.  We reserve the right to change class/instructor without notice.

A limited number of private classes and events are available.  A non-refundable 50% deposit is required.  A generous portion of all funds raised support the feeding and care of our resident donkey, goats, sheep, ducks and our foster animals.  

Saturday 07/27 10am Yoga For All Aimee
Saturday 8/24 10am Yoga For All Aimee
Saturday 9/28 10am Yoga For All Aimee
Saturday 10/12 10am Yoga For All Aimee
Saturday 10/26 12noon Yoga For All Aimee


Need to know

Sign up: Everyone must register in advance for each class, and sign a release form once per calendar year.  

Cost: All classes are $20, or $15 for plot owners at Penn Forest Natural Burial Park,  $10 for children 14 and under.  Pay on arrival. Cash only, please. Correct change if possible.        Private group pricing available on request, deposit required, discounts available.

Schedule: Classes are on Saturdays, but not every week – please read the schedule page carefully! All classes are one hour with a half-hour afterward to mingle with the animals or for a tour of Penn Forest Natural Burial Park.

What to bring: Bring a mat along. We practice outside in the barnyard and there is very little shade. Wear sunscreen and a hat, and bring plenty of water!

What to wear: Dress in loose or stretchy clothing that you don’t mind getting hay all over (also, the goats aren’t house trained)

Where it’s at: For GPS, use 266 Kansas Street, Verona PA 15147. Enter at the wide gate on Return Road opposite the big wooden farm sign. Please park in the Penn Forest Burial Ground parking lot – not by the neighbors’ homes! Check this page for a map.

Cancellation: Classes will be cancelled if it’s raining. We will notify you at the email you register with of any cancellation due to weather by 8 a.m. that day.

Social distancing: Mats must be set up at least six feet apart. We strongly recommend bringing your own mat, although we do have a few loaner mats available. We also have disinfectant wipes

Screening: Do not come to the farm if you have a fever, new onset of unexplained cough,  shortness of breath, or lack of smell/taste; or if you are at high risk of complications from covid-19 or live with someone who is.

Class descriptions

Kundalini: Kundalini yoga incorporates movement, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, and the chanting of mantras, such as Sat Nam, meaning “truth is my identity.” The goal is to build physical vitality and increase consciousness.

Yin Yoga: A low, slow, passive style, Yin Yoga lengthens and strengthens the connective tissues of the body – the tendons, fascia and ligaments – while allowing the mind and breath to practice relaxed presence and awareness even in times of stress and discomfort.

Yoga For All: Yoga For All is based in the Ashtanga tradition and provides multiple options for poses to make them accessible to everyone regardless of previous yoga experience or physical ability. The options offered for poses allow the person to make the best choice for him/herself in that moment.

YogaNuvo Flow: This Vinyasa style makes pose options available to people of varied physical abilities. Even if you never exercised before, or have limited flexibility, this training is for you. Experience the well-documented benefits of yoga, including strength, balance, bone density, flexibility, improved posture and circulation. This flow is based in Hatha yoga, but includes movements inspired by Pilates, belly dancing and tai chi.

Yoga In Nature: Outdoor classes in an idyllic nature setting, at the edge of the forest but without the goats. All four of our yoga styles available.

Chair Yoga in the Meditation Hut: Our covered Meditation Hut is nestled in a grove of trees, a 3-minute walk on grassy ground from the parking lot of Penn Forest. A smaller, more intimate class without the goats but with a beautiful view of the forest. Seated yoga with standing poses optional, but no going down to the floor.


Myrna (YogaNuvo Flow)

Myrna took her very first yoga class in 2002 and it was love at first body twist. She began training immediately, becoming certified to teach in 2004 by the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association. Having led group fitness classes at the YMCA for several years, the shift to yoga was seamless.  She since has taught groups, workshops and special events in Western Pennsylvania. She is also is now a NETA Certified Personal Fitness Trainer.

YogaNuvo was born when she became aware of a need for affordable, alternative and gentle physical fitness options in the community.  She fused strength training with classic yoga to form YogaNuvo with its signature flow and continues to offer discounted classes and scholarships.  Her goal is for each yogi to learn to adapt and customize each pose to fit their own bodies, to promote a positive, uplifting and sustainable experience and to have a balanced, lifelong fitness plan.

Aimee (Yoga For All)

Aimee first tried yoga in her early fifties and has practiced consistently since. She sees the mental and emotional benefits of regular practice in life off the yoga mat.  She practiced the physically demanding Ashtanga tradition.  She began teaching yoga in a drug rehab program but noticed many of the poses were too difficult.  Aimee completed her 200 hour teacher training in 2021 at Be Yoga, Oakmont.  She now teaches using multiple options for poses to make yoga accessible and fun for everyone, using mindfulness strategies to promote better physical and mental health.  She uses yoga as a strategy to heal from trauma and grief.  Aimee spends her free time with her own yoga practice and hanging out with a house full of rescue pets.

Kate (Yin Yoga)

I flirted with yoga for a dozen years, but didn’t believe it had any benefits beyond physical exercise until committing to regular practice in 2007.  To my surprise, the mental and spiritual benefits of a quieter mind and a more open heart began to reveal themselves, inviting me to explore why yoga works so much better than antidepressants.  While leading yoga classes, I’m mindful that I’m merely a conduit; the teacher is yoga, as it illuminates the awareness and compassion that is already within you.  I completed my foundational teacher training at Wake Up Yoga in Philadelphia in May 2010, and Yin teacher training with Daniel Shankin in May 2011.

Returning Home Farm

Returning Home Farm is an extension of Penn Forest Natural Burial Park that provides model projects in sustainability. Penn Forest owns 35 acres of land in the Penn Hills/Verona area, but only about two acres are currently used for green burials. Another ten acres are set aside as a wildlife refuge area. That leaves about 23 acres that can be used for other sustainability projects that benefit the community.

Ongoing projects include:

  • Raising goats for clearing brush in burial areas
  • Raising chickens and ducks for eggs (we share extras with visitors)
  • Beehives
  • Hiking trails
  • Tree/shrub planting for forest restoration
  • A quarter acre native PA meadow restoration project
  • A Hügelkultur garden
  • A sally garden to grow willow for baskets (and maybe coffins)

Planned & hopeful future projects include:

  • Expanded wellness classes and activities for every body
  • A hoop greenhouse for raising tea
  • A berry garden
  • A mushroom walk trail
  • An artist residency
  • A center for events, classes and trainings central to life and death

We are always open to additional sustainability projects. If you’d like to bring your project to RHF, please tell us about your idea.